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"Do not weep. Do not wax indignant. Understand" - Baruch Spinoza

I am someone who believes we have all the resources we need. In times of change or distress, it can be useful to seek support, to catch up with your positive intention for yourself. With my range of therapeutic techniques I can facilitate your reaching a new understanding of yourself.

You can develop and grow aspects of your personal, professional life or creative life. You can change what is important to you and how that impacts on your relationships. 

When faced with challenging decisions or situations, a useful and important skill is to pay attention to what it is you would like to have happen. Unwanted or old behaviour can get in the way of your ability to do this. Give yourself the space and time to explore the essence of what you want, hold it to the light, at an exposure fitting the circumstances in your own life and relationships.

Understanding yourself is in your own hands. Change is an organic process, yet when it happens, evaluating the situation, exploring thoughts and feelings can give wider insight. Any changes necessary can happen at a speed relative to what suits you. This process can encourage and focus while maintaining the essence of what you value. Be surprised by the changes you might make. Understand and discover what you really, really want.

Understanding where you are now - and then, where you might want to be - will give you the chance to evaluate and make decisions about where best to place your attention and direction. Change, based on what you learn about yourself and what you truly need and want, can then be long lasting.

Does a change, based on discovering and understanding more about yourself, appeal to you ?

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